+34 652 309 032 pausotolopez31@gmail.com


1. Perceptible

Information and user interface components must be presented to users in a way that they can perceive them.

1.1. Textual alternatives:
Provide textual alternatives for all non-textual content so that it can be converted to other formats that people need, such as enlarged text, Braille, speech, symbols or simpler language.

1.1.1. Non-text content
Using label elements to associate text labels with form controls
The 8 input elements (input|select|textarea) present on the page have an associated label (label|title).

Using noembed with embed
There are no multimedia elements on the page placed through embed and noembed tags.
Check the correct use of the reserved embed and noembed tags.

Failure in criteria 1.1.1 and 1.2.1 due to the use of inappropriate text alternatives (e.g. filenames or placeholder text).
No images with suspicious textual alternatives (file names) have been identified.
In case of using images on the pages, they should have a valid text alternative (informative and related to the image or null in case of decorative images)…

Combining adjacent images and text in a link for the same resource: B) Verify that links from adjacent elements do not redirect to the same place.
No content segments have been found with adjacent links to the same destination…
Avoid redirecting information by means of links to the same destination in the same content segment…

Combining adjacent images and text in a link to the same resource: A) Verify that the link content and the alt attribute of the image are not the same.
Links with internal images do not present redundant information.
Redundant information should be avoided in links that have an iconic representation, e.g. by repeating the textual content of the link with that of the image alt.

Using HTML according to the specification
No deprecated elements have been found within the page…
Certain old HTML tags and attributes have been discontinued in order to use more flexible alternatives (such as HTML or CSS) instead. It is recommended to always adopt HTML standards…

1.2. Tempodependent media:
Provide alternatives for tempodependent media.

1.2.1. Audio only and (recorded) video only
Failure in criterion 1.1.1 and 1.2.1 due to the use of textual alternatives that are not appropriate (e.g. file names or bookmark text).
No images with suspicious textual alternatives (file names) have been identified.
If images are used on the pages, they must have a valid text alternative (informative and related to the image or null in case of a decorative image).

1.2.3. Audiodescription or Alternative Media (engraving)
Using the body of the object element
There is no content rendered using the object element that requires a textual alternative.
When inserting multimedia objects, other means of understanding the object, such as alternative text, must be provided in case the element cannot be rendered by the agent (browser).

1.2.2. Subtitles (recorded)
Provide subtitles
No videos have been found with an absence of caption-type explanation tracks.
It is advisable to use textual alternative tracks in the videos, as not all users have the same perception. Captions should not be confused with subtitles. Subtitles provide text only dialogue and do not include important sounds…

Provide subtitles
No audios have been found with an absence of caption-type explanation tracks.
It is advisable to use textual alternative tracks in the audios, as not all users have the same perception. Caption tracks should not be confused with subtitle tracks. Subtitles provide text-only dialogue and do not include important sounds.

1.3. Adaptable:
Create content that can be presented in different ways (e.g. with a simpler layout) without losing information or structure.

1.3.2. Sequence with meaning
Using CSS letter-spacing property to control spacing within a word
No suspicious texts have been detected in which words have been formed using whitespace.
In the case of requiring for visual effects the letter-spacing of each letter of a word, use the CSS letter-spacing property.

1.3.1. Information and relationships
Organising a page using headings
The site has been structured correctly by means of headings, facilitating navigation.
These allow user agents to automatically identify section headings.

Checking the validity of ARIA roles
The ARIA elements found on the page carry valid roles.
It is recommended to adhere to the WAI-ARIA specification, which defines a set of additional HTML attributes that can be applied to elements to provide additional semantics and improve accessibility where missing.

1.4. Distinguishable:
Make it easy for users to see and hear content, including separation between foreground and background.

2. Operable

The user interface and navigation components must be operable.

2.1. Keyboard accessible:
Provide keyboard access to all functionality.

2.2. Sufficient time:
Provide users with sufficient time to read and use the content.

2.2.2. Pause, pause, stop, hide
Creating content that blinks for at least 5 seconds: A) Elements with blink animation
No blink elements have been found on the site that could be distracting to the user.
The use of elements that are constantly moving on the page is not recommended. Flickering text or moving text is a problem for people with certain types of learning difficulties and people with low vision.
Creating content that flickers for at least 5 seconds: B) Elements with marquee animation
No marquee elements have been found on the site that could be distracting to the user.
The use of elements that are constantly moving on the page is not recommended. Flickering text or moving text is a problem for people with certain types of learning difficulties and people with low vision.

2.3. Seizures:
Do not design content in a way that is known to cause seizures, spasms or convulsions.

2.4. Navigable:
Provide means to help users navigate, find content and determine where they are.

2.4.2. Titled Pages
Providing a title using the title element
The page has a title but it is not descriptive.
The title of the page should be descriptive and provide insight into the content of the page.

2.4.3. Focus order
Creating a logical order in the tab order through links, form controls, and objects.

2.4.4. Purpose of links (In context)
Combining adjacent images and text into a link for the same resource: B) Verify that links from adjacent elements do not redirect to the same place.
No content segments with adjacent links to the same destination have been found.
Avoid redirecting information by means of links that are leading to the same destination in the same content segment.
Combining adjacent images and text in a link to the same resource: A) Verify that the link content and the alt attribute of the image are not the same.
Links with internal images do not present redundant information.
Redundant information should be avoided in links that have an iconic representation, e.g. by repeating the textual content of the link with that of the image alt.

3. Understandable

The information and the handling of the user interface must be understandable.

3.1. Readable:
Make the textual content readable and understandable.

3.1.1. Page language
Using the language attribute in the html element
The language definition on the page has been successfully performed.
Check the language specification, it is important to specify in which language the page is being presented.

3.2. Predictable:
Make web pages appear and operate in a predictable manner.

3.2.2. When entering data
Provide submission buttons
Verify that the form has a submission method.
Of the 1 form on the page, there is 1 that does not have a submission method.

3.3. Assisted data entry:
Help users to avoid and correct errors.

3.3.2. Labels or instructions
Using label elements to associate text labels with form controls
The 8 input elements (input|select|textarea) present on the page have an associated label (label|title).

4. Robust

Content must be robust enough to be reliably interpreted by a wide variety of user applications, including technical aids.

4.1. Compatible:
Maximise compatibility with current and future user applications, including assistive technologies.

4.1.1. Processing
Validation of web pages
The website has been analysed at https://validator.w3.org/, and 6 errors were found.

4.1.2. Name, function, value
Using label elements to associate text labels with form controls
No form elements requiring labels have been found in the page.
In the case of using forms in the page structure and layout, do not forget to associate an identifier (label) to each input field of the form.
Using the title attribute in frame and iframe elements
No frame elements have been found on the page.
In case of using frame or iframe elements, accompany them with a description through the title attribute.
Using the title attribute to identify form controls when the label element cannot be used.